Protecting Your Personal Information
We protect your personal information by limiting access to employees who have a reasonable need to view it.
We have physical, technical, procedural and contractual safeguards in place to protect your personal information.
Know who you are giving your information to. You can protect personal information by providing it to entrusted sites. We provide you with additional ways of contacting us, either through our phone number or address listed on our various websites. We also provide you with several links to our other sites where you can learn more about us.
Email Communication and Website Usage
Email communication will be initiated by you when you contact us either through our email address or any of our online forms. All email communications are directed to the mailbox of our genetic counseling staff. Your email address will only be used by the genetics staff to contact you regarding a request you have made. We do not sell email addresses, nor will we contact you for any other reasons unless you have made a specific request.
Every time you visit a Ferre Institute web site, our servers automatically recognize your ISP domain name, but not your email address. This means our servers can identify "where" you're from, but not "who" you are. We may compile aggregate statistics about Web site visitors, traffic patterns and related site information, but these statistics include no personally identifiable information. We also do not use cookies on our site. Once you have used a link on our site to go to another site you should view their privacy policy in regards to their use of cookies; we cannot vouch for their use of cookies and in particular the placement of any third party tracking cookies by sponsors, advertisers or other parties.
Advertising Policy
Our mission is to provide you with accurate and current information. We do not have advertisements, sponsorships or links to any products on our site. We do not endorse products, services or companies on our site other than our own service. We provide medical information on our site and offer a free service providing tailored information to consumers and health care providers who initiate contact through our online contact form. We also make available our phone number for the purpose of making appointments within our office.
Content and Editorial Policy
We provide medical information, not medical advice. We ensure the content on our site is accurate. Content is created by our medical staff and also provided through the medical and professional community. All content is sited and links to content published elsewhere are provided for citations of non-staff members. A link to another site does not imply approval or endorsement of material on that site.
All contact, including phone calls, emails, and consultations, will remain confidential as pursuant to the United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). If you are calling or use any other form of correspondence to learn more about our Genetics Programs, your request will remain confidential.